7 minutes read

Halloween thoughts on Hitchcock

Marion Crane flushes the toilet (the first time in cinematic history), then proceeds to close the door, take her robe off, and step into the shower. What follows is perhaps…..

8 minutes read

TV is the New Movie

At the turn of the 19th Century, families were treated to the brand new concept of the motion picture. As technology advanced, it became the social norm for friends and families…..

8 minutes read

Camera Q&A: Thomas Harding on Hanns and Rudolf

Who: Thomas Harding is the great nephew of Lieutenant Hanns Alexander, who was part of the first British War Crimes Investigation Team in the aftermath of World War II. Alexander…..

13 minutes read

Camera Q&A: Pamela Katz on Hannah Arendt

Who: Pamela Katz is a New York City-based screenwriter, whose latest script is for a biographical film about German-Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt — whose 1963 book, Eichmann in Jerusalem:…..

30 minutes read

Camera Q&A: Christopher Moloney on FILMography

Who: Christopher Moloney is a New York City-based, Canadian-born producer for CNN’s Erin Burnett: OutFront. The proximity of CNN’s Columbus Circle offices to Central Park, and a longstanding love of…..